Roots in the future in the triptych of Marcello Carrà

We wanted to leave Kermesse with a tangible sign of shared value after this incredible edition of the Frankfurt Book Fair. An event for publishers and reading enthusiasts but not only. The presence of Italy as a guest of honour with a space designed by Stefano Boeri Interiors Studio has highlighted the uniqueness of Italian know-how.

The Italian Pavilion square seemed to us the perfect space to express Marcello Carrà, an artist of Ferrara origin moved in Rome. After the performance for Expo Milano 2015, we retrace the theme of the performance in a space shared by a large audience.

For the occasion, Carrà uses a styrofoam pen on the raw Ecological Panel® the triptych Chaos, Rebirth and Future.

Generations follow one another, each passing on the experience acquired to the next generation. And if a previous generation is destined to disappear physically, its knowledge does not die, but remains in the minds of the descendants. Saving trees, a mission that the Saviola Group supports thanks to its business model and the production of the 100% recycled Ecological Panel®. It opens a window in a room, the world, where oxygen is less and less present, guaranteeing a future of breath.

The allegorical triptych is built on the concept of “tree planet” and the realtionship with human beings, that puts poetry at the center. A distinctive feature of nature itself, to the detriment of direct and didascalic treatment, to stimulate the individual interpretation of the viewer.

The tree contributes in a fundamental way to produce the optimal conditions for our environment, indeed, we can say, recalling the writings of Italo Calvino, the tree is our environment in the idea of living according to nature and respecting the landscape, creatures, plants and animals. The tree becomes a miniature planet, which provides us with everything: air, food and building materials, as well as countless positive suggestions, such as those related to our childhood games.