Today, talking about design also means talking about the sustainability of materials. This is why Saviola is excited to collaborate with Lorenzo Palmeri and Paolo Casicci, together with all the professionals who will take part in the program of the DesignMind course at Castellania Coppi, a village perched on the hills of Tortona, Piedmont, from July 19.

A full immersion in the design world thanks to a programme that enhances its multidisciplinary and transversal vocation. The programme includes workshops, the interventions of partner companies, work on the territory and meetings with special guests with a strictly educational point of view, top-level designers with incursions into coaching, research design. “We chose to call our Academy DesignMind” explain the founders “because we consider it strategic to bring in the training of designers a service that is still missing: what translates into a deep support to students as well as the teaching staff to face all those issues related to the craft of the designer, but rarely considered in educational facilities as, to make examples, error management, failure, economic demand, insecurity. There are many constellations that make up the galaxy of design: for this reason, throughout the week, a coach will assist the students to evaluate their background through the portfolio to support them in the choice of a precise direction in the variety of future training and professional hypotheses”.

If the topic of the last July first edition had been the investigation on the territory “This Land Is Your Land”, whilst in April, during Fuorisalone, the students had measured themselves with keywords such as care and curiosity. This time the reflection is all about the mental approach that the world asks of the professional of the future.
“Design is unframing. Building the tools to read reality is the title we have chosen for this third edition” Palmeri and Casicci explain. “More than the content we are bombarded with every day, it is the framework in which we end up placing them to influence the way we see things, and therefore to act. Every day, we receive hundreds of impulses in the form of notifications, news and information of various kinds that seem to affect us: they are not really what make the difference in our lives, as the fact that the sender is telling us above all how and not what to think. Therefore, more dangerous than the contents is the frame (framing) built by technology and media around the contents themselves, because it will be inside that frame, partial and deforming, that we will continue to read from time to time the reality, work, life and their deep meaning”.

Among the guests of Design is Unframing, the editor of Interni, Maddalena Padovani; the counselor Erika Sartori; the gallery owner and curator Claudia Pignatale, Founder of Secondome and Fabrizio Esposito, creator and soul of Alvar Aaltissimo.
Long live the design, the young curious and the desire to take innovative paths of training.